Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000

AIP SUP nr 15/2024
Effective from  29 NOV 2024
Published on 29 NOV 2024

Tímabundnar hindranir sem standa lengur en þrjá mánuði /
Temporary obstacles with duration longer than three months

Content Responsibility: Isavia Domestic

1 BIRK Reykjavik Airport

1.1 RWY 01/19 - Construction Crane at Haukahlid 14, Reykjavik

A construction crane has been erected 219 m south of THR RWY 19 and 313 m east of centreline RWY 01/19.
The height of the crane is 155 FT MSL.

Radius of crane (boom length) is 45 m.
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights.
Valid until October 2028 - EST.
Hnit / Coordinates:
640802.91N 0215555.24W

1.2 RWY 01/19 -Construction Crane at Hafnarbraut 18, Kopavogur

A construction crane has been erected 922 m south of THR RWY 01 and 48 m east of extended centreline RWY 01/19. 
The height of the crane is 99 FT MSL. 
Radius of crane (boom length) is 60 m. 
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights.  
Valid until December 2024 - EST.
Hnit / Coordinates
640652.01N 0215601.83W

1.3 RWY 01/19 - Construction Crane at the new Landspitali in Reykjavik

A construction crane has been erected 170 m north of THR RWY 19 and 449 m east of extended centreline RWY 01/19.
The height of the crane is 238 FT MSL. 
Radius of crane (boom length) is 65 m. 
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights. 
Valid until June 2025.
640815.93N 0215547.74W

1.4 RWY 01/19 -
Construction Crane at the new Landspitali Hringbraut, Reykjavik

A construction crane has been erected 146 m north of THR RWY 19 and 599 m east of extended centreline RWY 01/19.  
The height of the crane is 158 FT MSL.  
Radius of crane (boom length) is 65 m.
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights.
Valid until January 2025 - EST.
Hnit / Coordinates
640815.80N, 0215536.55W

1.5 RWY 01/19 -
Construction Crane at Landspitali in Reykjavik.

A construction crane has been erected 69 m north of THR RWY 19 and 331 m east of extended centreline RWY 01/19.
The height of the crane is 170 FT MSL.
Radius of crane (boom length) is 50 m.
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights.
Valid until Marsh 2025 - EST
Hnit / Coordinatetes:
640812.37N 0215555.57W

1.6 Braut 01/19 -
Construction Crane at Bakkabraut 9 -23, Kopavogur

A construction crane has been erected 973 m south of THR RWY 01 and 278 m west of extended centreline RWY 01/19.
The height of the crane is 112 FT MSL.
Radius of crane (boom length) is 41 m.
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights.
 Valid until August 2024 - EST.
Hnit / Coordinates
640650.53N 0215626.19W

1.7 RWY 01/19 - Construction Crane at Haukahlid 2, Reykjavik

A construction crane has been erected 98 m south of THR RWY 19 and 352 m east of extended centreline RWY 01/19. 
The height of the crane is 151 FT MSL.
Radius of crane (boom length) is 65 m.
The crane is fitted with obstruction lights.
Valid until December 2024 - EST.
Hnit / Coordinates
64 08 07.31N 021 55 53.26W 

AIP Supplement canceled:  
SUP 01/2024
NOTAM incorporated in this AIC:
Engin / NIL