Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000

AIP SUP nr 10/2024
Effective from  23 MAY 2024
Published on 23 MAY 2024

Breyting á svari við RCL-skeyti / Amendment to RCL response messages
Content Responsibility: Isavia ANS

1 Introduction

On the 21 st of March 2024 Oceanic Clearance Removal (OCR) was implemented within Reykjavik CTA. 
The implementation has mostly been successful. There have, however, been events where aircrafts have deviated from their cleared flight level due to a misunderstanding of the intent of the standard RCL respond message (RCL RECEIVED BY [UNIT] FLY CURRENT FLIGHT PLAN OR AS AMENDED BY ATC). Multiple queries from pilots also indicate that the intent of the response message is not understood by all pilots. 

2 Implementation

Due to the identified issues with flight crew misunderstanding of OCR procedures, the NAT ANSPs have agreed to a simpler RCL response message: RCL RECEIVED BY [Unit]. 
Therefore, from now on, the answer to the RCL messages from Reykjavik Control will simply be “RCL RECEIVED BY REYKJAVIK OAC”.

3 Contacts

The following may be contacted for information or to provide feedback:
Netfang / Email:

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