Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000
Effective from 28 FEB 2025
Published on 28 FEB 2025
Tré í hindranfleti flugvallar / Trees in Obstacle Limitation surfaces
Content Responsibility: Isavia Domestic and Isavia ANS
Growing obstacles (vegetation) pentrate the airport obstacle surfaces (both departure and approach), as defined in EUR REG 139/2014, southeast of runway 13/31 – approximately 490-890m east of threshold 31.
PAPI obstacle surface (areas 1 and 2 in the figure) (Obstacle Protection Surface according to EUR REG 139/2014) obstacles are not present in area 1, a defined area closest to the extended centre line of runway 31. (light blue area in the figure).
Vegetation penetrates the PAPI obstacle surface in area 2, which is at the closest distance of 85m north of the extended centre line of the runway.
It is estimated that this SUP will be valid through May 2025.
3 The Icelandic Transport Authority granted exemption
The Icelandic Transport Authority has granted an exemption for the use of runway 13/31 for hospital flights with the following conditions and references to a risk assessment:
The operator shall classify BIRK as a minimum Category B (CAT B) airport according to the definition of Regulation (EU) 965/2012, ORO.FC.105 while obstacles in areas 2 and 3 (cf. ISI description) are present, cf. safety requirement ÖK 1A.
The operator shall ensure that part of the flight crew's preparation for flights to/from Reykjavík Airport in CAT B is that both pilots ensure that flight remains at or south of the extended centre line during an arrival to runway 31, cf. safety requirement ÖK 1B.
The operator shall ensure that appropriate equipment is on board, in working order and in use, to assist pilots in flying along the extended centreline of the runway, cf. safety requirement ÖK 1C.
The operator shall ensure that aircraft operations (including performance measurements) in regard to landing and take-off on runway 13 are based on a maximum runway length of 799 metres measured from the threshold and based on a 5% slope of the obstacle surface, cf. safety requirement ÖK 3A.
4 Obstacle surface clearance plan
At the request of the landowner, tree felling has been prioritised according to the following:
Area 1 in the figure. Part of the PAPI obstacle surface, closest to the centreline – completed.
Area 2 in the figure. Trees in area 2 which is also part of the PAPI obstacle surface (green area in the picture), when this part is completed the entire PAPI obstacle surface will be obstacle-free. Information here to be updated.
Area 3 in the picture. Remaining trees which at the northernmost part of the VSS surface of the runway 31 instrument approach path. Information here to be updated.
Airport obstacle surface according to EUR REG 139/2014, southeast of runway 13/31 – approx. 490-890m east of threshold 31. Information here to be updated.
The following may be contacted for information or to provide feedback:
Isavia Domestic
Reykjavik Airport
102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Netfang / Email:
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