Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000
Effective from 12 FEB 2025
Published on 12 FEB 2025
Skipulag vegna Reykjaneselda /
Procedures due to Volcanic activity at Reykjanes peninsula
Content Responsibility: ISAVIA ANS
Due to volcanic activity at Reykjanes peninsula for the last years and foreseen eruptions the Icelandic Transport Authority, in cooperation with Isavia ANS, has updated procedures to maintain safety of flight and better serve the needs of the airspace users.
A new restricted area (BIR9) has been defined and a VFR route between that area and Reykjavik airport (BIRK). Restricted area and VFR route are published with NOTAM.
NOTAM will also be published due to airspace changes such as establishing prohibited area within the restricted area.
2.1 Restricted Area boundary (BIR9)
BIR9 is defined by direct line between
Grindavík road 63563097N 022254190W,
Keilir 63563027N022101228W,
Kleifarvatn 63541461N021593320W,
Husholmi 63495123N022101737W,
Ras (Grindavik) 63495500N022273600W,
Blue Lagoon parking lot 63525800N022272400W.
Class of airspace: G
Upper limit: 2 500 feet AMSL
Lower limit: GND
2.2 Air Navigation Obstructions
Two antennas are near Grindavík, identified with a light in the center and on top, see ENR 5.4.1.
Pilots shall take notice of guy wires supporting antennas.
Due to the volcanic eruption, loss of electricity is possible, pilots are advised to monitor NOTAM publications.
BIKF TWR, BIRK TWR and FAXI issues clearances into BIR9 on the pilot requests.
Attention is drawn to that a clearance is required before entering and leaving CTR and TMA from the appropriate tower or approach, see chart in chapter 6.
It is imperative that pilots
contact ATC
leaving BIR9.
Flights on behalf of Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management have priority for BIR9.
When RWY 28 is in use at Keflavik Airport no clearances will be issued into BIR9 apart from flights on behalf of the authorities.
Isavia will restrict the use of BIR9 in accordance with the decisions of the authorities.
Announcement on restriction of the use of BIR9 will be on
131.8 MHz, in BIKF and BIRK ATIS and NOTAM as applicable. Pilots shall check restrictions of the area via ATIS before departure.
Restrictions: Transponder. Monitoring requirement and Air to Air communications on 131.800 MHz.
The Police and the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management will publish other restricted areas, those areas will also be published by NOTAM.
3 VFR route between BIRK andBIR9 published byNOTAM
VFR route 7 between BIRK and BIR9 at 2000 feet for helicopters and 1500 feet for airplanes via Gardakirkja direct Aluminum factory direct Keilir.
Flying via the new route should be like flying on other VFR routes, it is important that pilots keep well to the right of centreline of the route, so as to maintain not less than 45° angle from the centreline (with reference to surface) to aircraft.
4 Microlight operations between Heidi and BIR9
An exemption is made for microlight operation from Heidi to BIR9 via Kleifarvatn while NOTAM is active. The exemption is not valid if BIR9 is unavailable.
The following conditions apply:
An electronic FPL shall be submitted.
The flight shall remain outside BIRK CTR, BIKF CTR and below FAXI TMA.
Air to Air communications within BIR9 is on frequency 131.800 MHz
Microlights shall be equipped with a transponder and the transponder shall be turned on.
Pilots shall follow instructions from TWR which may reject requests for a microlight to fly into BIR9 and give instructions to evacuate BIR9.
Microlight pilots shall follow the procedures introduced in this SUP and NOTAM regarding flights to and within BIR9.
Microlight operations between Heidi and BIR9:
An approval to enter BIR9 shall be requested from Reykjavik TWR as soon as possible after departure from Heidi.
The flight in and out of BIR9 shall be outside BIRK CTR, BIKF CTR and below FAXI TMA via Kleifarvatn.
BIRK TWR will instruct frequency change to BIR9 frequency
Departing BIR9 shall be via Kleifarvatn, a report shall be made to BIRK TWR when leaving BIR9 and when the FPL is closed.
Airspace within BIR9 is classified as Class G.
Rules of the air apply to flying within the Area.
Pilots are urged to use extreme caution due to possible heavy traffic and risk of mid-air collision.
Attention is drawn to possible restricted or prohibited areas within BIR9 published via NOTAM.
The training area Sletta is also located partly within BIR9 and is activated and notified via BIKF ATIS.
Increased likelihood of drone flight may be expected within BIR9 up to approximately 400 feet (120 meters) above ground.
6 Recommendations while eruption is in progress:
Stay on the windward side of eruption.
Do not fly over the eruption.
Pilots decide on a waypoint at a safe distance.
Orbit with left turns around the waypoint.
7 Map showing VFR Route and a position of BIR9
The following may be contacted for information or to provide feedback:
AIP Supplement cancelled:
NOTAM incorporated in this AIC: