GEN 3.1.1 Responsible service

The Aeronautical Information Service, which is a section of the Air Navigation Services, ensures the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the area of responsibility as indicated under GEN 3.1.2.
Pre-flight Information Service is provided as indicated in GEN 3.1.5.

GEN AIS Headquarters

  Isavia ANS
  Aeronautical Information Service
  Nautholsvegi 60-66
  IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Telephone: +354 424 4000
Telefax: NA
Service hours: Working days 9-16

GEN International NOTAM office (NOF)

  Isavia ANS
  NOTAM Office
  Nautholsvegi 60-66
  IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Telephone: +354 424 5190
Telefax: NA
Service hours: H24
This service is provided in accordance with the provisions contained in ICAO Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Services.
Differences see: GEN 1.7.15

GEN 3.1.2 Area of responsibility

The Aeronautical Information Service is responsible for the collection and dissemination of information for the Reykjavík FIR and for air traffic purposes, excluding territories of Greenland, Faroe Islands and Jan Mayen, for which the AIPs Greenland and Faroe Islands (issued by Denmark) and AIP Norway should be consulted.

GEN 3.1.3 Aeronautical publications

GEN The aeronautical information is provided
in the form of the Integrated Aeronautical
Information Package consisting of the following elements:

  • Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
  • Amendment service to the AIP (AIP AMDT);
  • Supplements to the AIP (AIP SUP);
  • NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB);
  • Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC);
  • Checklists and summaries.

GEN Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

The AIP is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes essential for air navigation.
The AIP Iceland is published with bilingual text (English and Icelandic) and is designed for international and domestic operations, whether the flight is a commercial or a private one.
It contains information of lasting character essential to air navigation, and is maintained up to date by regular amendments.
The Icelandic AIP is published as eAIP and can be found at:
eAIP is published as HTML and PDF files.

GEN Amendment to the AIP (AIP AMDT)

Amendments to the AIP are made by regularly updates. Two types of AIP Amendment are produced:
  • Regular AIP Amendment (AIP AMDT), issued when minor amendments and manuscript corrections necessitate. Incorporates permanent changes into the AIP on the indicated effective date;
  • AIRAC AIP Amendment (AIRAC AIP AMDT), are published on predetermined dates at 28 day intervals (AIRAC system dates).
    Incorporates operationally significant permanent changes into the AIP on the indicated AIRAC effective date.
When selecting a particular amendment, the AIP section has a check box in the top right corner, which allows the user to select whether to display the changes in the AIP.  If the check box is ticked, the items marked as inserted and deleted are shown.
See also Help button in the eAIP.
Each AMDT can be located at the AMDTs cover-page as a PDF file. A brief description of the subjects affected by the amendment is given on the AIP Amendment cover sheet. New information included on the PDF AIP pages is annotated or identified by a vertical line in the left margin (or immediately to the left) of the change/addition.
Each AIP PDF page introduced by an amendment, including the amendment cover sheet, are dated. The date consists of the day, month (by name) and year of the publication date (regular AIP AMDT) or of the AIRAC effective date (AIRAC AIP AMDT) of the information.
Each AIP AMDT and each AIRAC AIP AMDT are allocated separate serial numbers which are consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year is a part of the serial number of the amendment, e.g. 01/2024; A 01/2024.
Each AIP amendment cover sheet includes references to the serial number of those elements, if any, of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package which have been incorporated in the AIP by the amendment and are consequently cancelled.
A checklist of AIP PDF pages containing page number and the effective date (day, month by name and year) of the information is reissued with each amendment and is an integral part of the AIP.
Amendments to the AIP are available at:

GEN Supplement to the AIP (AIP SUP)

Temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) and information of short duration which consists of extensive text and/or graphics, supplementing the permanent information contained in the AIP, are published as AIP Supplements (AIP SUP).
Operationally significant temporary changes to the AIP are published in accordance with the AIRAC system and its established effective dates and are identified clearly by the acronym AIRAC AIP SUP.
An AIP Supplement is kept in the AIP as long as all or some of its contents remain valid.
The monthly NOTAM checklist includes a list of AIP Supplements currently in force.
Supplements are available at:

GEN NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)

NOTAM contains information concerning the establishment, condition, or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure, or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for personnel concerned with flight operations.
NOTAM is prepared in accordance with ICAO Annex 15, DOC 8126, and PANS 10066.
The text of each NOTAM contains the information in the order shown in the ICAO NOTAM format and is composed of the significations/uniform abbreviated phraseology assigned to the ICAO NOTAM Code complemented by ICAO abbreviations, indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and in plain language.
NOTAM given Class one distribution (by telecommunication service) are issued in four series as follows:
Series A: International distribution, the series A NOTAMs contain information of interest to international aviation regarding:
  1. International aerodromes (Keflavík (BIKF), Reykjavík (BIRK), Akureyri (BIAR), Egilsstaðir (BIEG));
  2. Flight information region (BIRD);
  3. Radio communication and navigation aids;
  4. Navigation warnings;
  5. FIR (BGGL affecting Reykjavik oceanic area).
Series B: International distribution, the series contains information about airports and landing strips which have an instrument approach procedure excluding the International Airports (BIKF, BIRK, BIEG and BIAR). Series B also contain information relating to communications, navigation aids and navigation warnings.
Series C: Distributed within Iceland only, for all other aerodromes and landing strip, radio communications, navigations aids and navigation warnings not mentioned in Series A and B above.
Each NOTAM is numbered consecutively within each series.
The serial numbers start with number 0001 at 0000 UTC on 1 stJanuary every year.
Series S: International distribution, SNOWTAM messages. This Series comprises information concerning runway condition assessment. Each airport have its own individual serial numbers, starting from 0001 on 1st January at 0000 UTC every year. See AD 1.2.2 for further information.
Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB), which contain a recapitulation of current NOTAM and other information of urgent character for the operator/flight crews, are available on Isavia’s web portal
The extent of this information is indicated in section GEN 3.1.5.
NOTAMs are published by the Icelandic NOTAM Office (NOF).
NOTAMs are transmitted through EAD in accordance with a predetermined distribution system.
Requests concerning the NOTAM distribution shall be addressed to BIRKYNYX.
Requests for a single NOTAM shall be submitted to EUECYRYX.

GEN Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)

AIC contain information on the long-term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations, procedures or facilities; information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety; and information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.
AICs are divided by subject and are issued in two series (A and B).
AIC Series A contains information affecting international civil aviation.
AIC Series B contains information affecting national aviation only.
Each AIC is numbered consecutively within each series on a calendar year basis. The year is part of the serial number of the AIC, e.g. AIC A 01/2024.
The monthly NOTAM checklist includes a list of AICs currently in force.
Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs) are available at:

GEN Checklist and summary of NOTAM

A checklist of valid NOTAM is issued monthly via AFS. It contains a plain language (in English) presentation of the valid NOTAM and information about the number of the latest issued AIP AMDT, AIRAC AIP AMDT, AIP SUP and AIC as well as the numbers of the elements issued under the AIRAC that will become effective or, if none, the NIL AIRAC notification.
Checklist and summary of NOTAM are available at:

GEN Sale of Publications

VFR Chart is available from Isavia ANS.
See AIC “Aeronautical information publication - price list”:

GEN 3.1.4 AIRAC system

In order to control and regulate the operationally significant changes requiring amendments to charts, route-manuals etc., such changes, whenever possible, will be issued at predetermined dates, according to the AIRAC SYSTEM, and published as an AIRAC AMDT.
If an AIRAC AMDT can not be produced due to lack of time, NOTAM clearly marked AIRAC will be issued, closely followed by an AMDT or SUP.
The table below indicates AIRAC effective dates for the coming years. AIRAC will be issued so that information will be received not later than 28 days before the effective date. Whenever major changes are planned and where advance notice is desirable and practicable, a publication date of at least 56 days in advance of the effective date will be used.
Dagsetningar fyrirvarakerfis: Schedule of AIRAC effective dates
2025 2026 2027 2028
23 JAN 2025* 22 JAN 2026* 21 JAN 2027* 20 JAN 2028*
20 FEB 2025 19 FEB 2026 18 FEB 2027 17 FEB 2028
20 MAR 2025* 19 MAR 2026* 18 MAR 2027* 16 MAR 2028*
17 APR 2025 16 APR 2026 15 APR 2027 13 APR 2028
15 MAY 2025* 14 MAY 2026* 13 MAY 2027* 11 MAY 2028*
12 JUN 2025 11 JUN 2026 10 JUN 2027 08 JUN 2028
10 JUL 2025* 09 JUL 2026* 08 JUL 2027* 06 JUL 2028*
07 AUG 2025 06 AUG 2026 05 AUG 2027 03 AUG 2028
04 SEP 2025 03 SEP 2026 02 SEP 2027 31 AUG 2028
02 OCT 2025* 01 OCT 2026* 30 SEP 2027* 28 SEP 2028*
30 OCT 2025 29 OCT 2026 28 OCT 2027 26 OCT 2028
27 NOV 2025* 26 NOV 2026* 25 NOV 2027* 23 NOV 2028*
25 DEC 2025 24 DEC 2026 23 DEC 2027 21 DEC 2028
* Þær dagsetningar sem eru stjörnumerktar er fyrirhugað að nýta til útgáfu. * AIRAC dates marked with an asterisk are planned publication dates.

GEN 3.1.5 Pre-flight Information Service at Aerodromes/Heliports

Limited pre-flight Information can be found at,
There are access to:
  • Icelandic AIP;
  • NOTAMs;
  • Condition of landing strips;
  • Aviation Weather
  • Information about charts;
  • Flight plan form.
It is also pointed out that European AIS Database - EAD allows users to browse the database via the web - with instant access.
Limited pre-flight information service is also available from Icelandair at Keflavík Airport with coverage in accordance with Icelandair Route structure.

GEN 3.1.6 Electronic terrain and obstacle data

For information regarding digital terrain and obstacle data, including information regarding the extraction of data from the database, please contact the AIS department:
Digital obstacle data can be made available on AIXM format. Please contact the AIS department for further information:
See: GEN AIS Headquarters.

GEN Area 1

GEN Digital terrain model

Loftmyndir ehf. have prepared an electronic land model.
More information about the model, resolution and availability can be found on their website:
  Loftmyndir ehf.
  Laugarvegur 13
  IS-101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Telephone: +354 540 2500
Telefax: NA
Service hours: Contact Loftmyndir

GEN Area 2

Aerodrome Terrain and Obstacle Charts – ICAO (Electronic) can be found at:
Rafræn landslags og hindranakort - Svæði 2 / Aerodrome Terrain and Obstacle Charts - Area 2
Flugvöllur / Airport Vefsíða / Website Gildistökudagur / Effective date
BIAR - Akureyrari 06 JAN 2020
BIEG - Egilstadir 06 JAN 2020
BIEG - Keflavik 01 JUN 2021
BIRK - Reykjavik 19 OCT 2020

GEN Area 3

Digital obstacle data for area 3 are available for Keflavik Airport (BIKF) and Egilsstadir Airport (BIEG).
Rafræn hindranagögn - Svæði 3 / Digital obstacle data - Area 3
Flugvöllur / Airport Gildistökudagur / Effective date
BIEG - Egilstadir 09 AUG 2024
BIKF- Keflavik 27 JAN 2022

GEN Area 4

Digital obstacle data are available for area 4, RWY 10/19, at Keflavik Airport (BIKF).
Rafræn hindranagögn - Svæði 4 / Digital obstacle data - Area 4
Flugvöllur / Airport RWY Gildistökudagur / Effective date
BIKF- Keflavik 10/19 31 JAN 2020