GEN 2.1.1 Units of measurement

The table of units of measurement shown below will be used by aeronautical stations within Reykjavík FIR for air and ground operations.
For the measurement of Units used
Mæling Mælieining
Distances used in navigation, position reporting, etc. – generally in excess of 2 nautical miles

Nautical miles and tenths (NM) – 1 NM is 1852 m
Sjómílur og tíundu hlutar úr þeim (NM) – 1 sjómíla er 1852 m
Fjarlægðir í leiðsögu, staðartilkynningum, o.þ.h. – yfirleitt yfir 2 sjómílum
Relatively short distances such as those relating to aerodromes (Runway lengths, etc.) Meters (m)
Metrar (m)
Tiltölulega stuttar fjarlægðir, t.d. í sambandi við flugvelli (flugbrautarlengdir, o.þ.h.).
Altitudes, elevations and heights Feet (ft) – 1 foot is 0.3048 m
Fet (ft) – 1 fet er 0,3048 m
Flughæðir, hæð yfir sjávarmáli og staðarhæðir
Horizontal speed including wind speed Knots (kt) – Nautical miles per Hour
Hnútar (kt) – sjómílur á klukkustund
Láréttur hraði, þar með talinn vindhraði
Vertical speed Feet per minute – 1000 feet/min are 5.08 m/s
Fet á mínútu – 1000 fet/mín eru 5,08 m/s
Lóðréttur hraði
Wind direction for landing and take-off Degrees magnetic (°)
Misvísandi gráður (°)
Vindátt fyrir lendingu og flugtak
Wind direction except for landing and take-off Degrees true (°)
Réttvísandi gráður (°)
Vindátt fyrir annað en lendingu og flugtak
Visibility including runway visual range Kilometers (km) or meters (m)
Kílómetrar (km) eða metrar (m)
Skyggni, þar með talið flugbrautarskyggni
Altimeter setting Hectopascal (hPa). Inches of mercury available on request.
Hektópaskal (hPa). Tommur kvikasilfurs fáanlegt skv. beiðni.
Temperature Degrees Celsius (°C)
Gráður á Celsíus (°C)
Mach number True mach number
Weight Metric tons (t) or kilograms (kg)
Tonn (t) eða kílógramm (kg)
Time Hours (h) and minutes (min), the day of 24 hours beginning at midnight UTC.
Klukkustundir (h) and mínútur (min), sólarhringur 24 tímar byrjar á miðnætti miðað við UTC.

GEN 2.1.2 Temporal reference system

The local standard time used in Iceland is UTC which is used in AIP Iceland, AIP Supplements and throughout the Air Traffic Services, Communication and Weather Services in Iceland. The time reported is to the nearest full minute. Time checks are accurate to the nearest minute. 5 seconds.
Daylight saving hours are not employed.

GEN 2.1.3 Horizontal reference system

GEN Name/designation of the reference system

All published geographical coordinates indicating latitude and longitude are expressed in terms of the World Geodetic System- 1984 (WGS-84) geodetic reference datum.

GEN Identification and parameters of the projection

ISNET93 / Lambert93 in primary use.  *ISNET2004 / Lambert2004 (CRS code 5325) in occasional use, which is then so identified in the data.

    Standard parallel 1 = 64.25°N,
    Standard parallel 2 = 65.75°N,
    Latitude of origin = 65°N,
    Central meridian = 19°W,
    False easting = 500.000,
    False northing = 500.000.

GEN Identification of the ellipsoid used

WGS84, in reference to GRS80.

GEN Identification of the datum used

ISN93 in primary use.  *ISN2004 in occasional use, which is then so identified in the data.

GEN Area of application

The area of application for the published geographical coordinates coincides with the area of responsibility of the Aeronautical Information Service, i.e. the entire territory of Iceland as well as the airspace over the high seas encompassed by the Reykjavík Flight Information Region in accordance with the regional air navigation agreement.

GEN Use of an asterisk to identify published geographical coordinates

An asterisk (*) will be used to identify those published geographical coordinates which have been transformed into WGS-84 coordinates but whose accuracy of original field work does not meet the requirements in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2 and ICAO Annex 14, Volumes I and II, Chapter 2. Specifications for determination and reporting of WGS-84 coordinates are given in ICAO Annex 11, Chapter 2 and in ICAO Annex 14, Volumes I and II.

GEN 2.1.4 Vertical reference system

GEN Name/designation of the reference system

All published vertical data are expressed in terms of Earth Graviation Model 1996 (EGM-96). 

Projection is used if raw data is in another model. 

GEN Description of the geoid model used

EGM96 in primary use.  *Localized Scandinavian version NKG96 in occasional use, which is then so identified in the data.

GEN Use of an asterisk

An asterisk (*) will be used to identify those published elevations/geoid undulations that do not meet accuracy requirements.

GEN 2.1.5 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks

The nationality mark for aircraft registered in Iceland consists of the letters TF. The nationality mark is followed by a hyphen and a registration mark consisting of three letters, e.g. TF - ABC.

GEN 2.1.6 Public Holidays - year 2025

Note.- Some administrative services may not be available and banks and other institutions may not be open on these days:
Nafn frídags / Name of holiday
Dagsetning / Day
Nýársdagur / New Year’s day
01. janúar / 01 January
Skírdagur / Maundy Thursday
17. apríl / 17 April
Föstudagurinn langi / Good Friday
18. apríl / 18 April
Páskadagur / Easter Sunday
20. apríl / 20 April
Annar í páskum / Easter Monday
21. apríl / 21 April
Sumardagurinn fyrsti / First Day of Summer
24. apríl / 24 April
Frídagur verkalýðsins / Labour Day
01. maí / 01 May
Uppstigningardagur / Ascension Day
29. maí / 29 May
Hvítasunnudagur / Whitsunday
08. júní / 08 June
Mánudagur eftir Hvítasunnudag / Monday after Whitsunday
09. júní / 09 June
Þjóðhátíðardagurinn / Constitution Day
17. júní / 17 June
Frídagur verslunarmanna / Trades Peoples Holiday
04. ágúst / 04 August
Aðfangadagur jóla / Christmas Eve
24. desember / 24 December
Jóladagur / Christmas Day
25. desember / 25 December
Annar í jólum / Boxing Day
26. desember / 26 December
Gamlársdagur / New Year’s Eve
31. desember / 31 December

- Maundy Thursday, Thursday before
- Good Friday, Friday before Easter
- Easter Monday, Monday after Easter Sunday
- First day of summer, first Thursday after April 18th
- Ascension Day, 06 th Thursday after Easter
- Trades Peoples Holiday, first Monday in August
- 24 th December from noon (Christmas Eve)
- 31 st December from noon (New Years Eve)

GEN 2.1.7 Spelling of place names

National usage has governed the spelling of place names in AIP Iceland, Supplements and AICs.
Where appropriate the Icelandic letters “ð” and “þ” have been substituted with “d” and “th” respectively.
The special Icelandic characters (á, é, í, ó, ú og ý) are replaced with (a, e, i, o, u og y) and „æ" og „ö" with „ae" og „o" where applicable.