GEN 1.5.1 General

Aircraft operating in Reykjavik FIR shall adhere to the provisions of ICAO Annex 6 "Operations of Aircraft", ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures Document 7030, NAT DOC 007 - North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual and EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) 965/2012.
ICAO recommendation of Annex 10 volume IV art. is applicable within the territory of Iceland as per.
AUR.ACAS.1005 in Regulation EU No 1332/2011.
All aircraft being operating as IFR flights shall be capable of conducting two-way radio communication with ATC.
The radio communication equipment shall consist of at least one VHF and one long range communication facility, which can be an HF transceiver or a SAT-COM/CPDLC.
Note: The long range communication equipment is not required if full VHF coverage is available for the leg(s) flown.
All aircraft being operating as IFR flights shall be equipped with navigation equipment that ensures capability to follow ATC´s clearances.

All aircraft operating as IFR flights in the Reykjavik FIR shall be equipped with a pressure-altitude reporting SSR transponder in accordance with the requirements in ICAO NAT DOC 007.
All flights operating within FAXI TMA, shall be equipped with an SSR transponder.
.All aircraft shall be equipped with an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) capable of transmiting simultaneously on
121.500 MHZ and 406.000 MHZ.
Note:  Microlights are exempted from the ELT requirement.
All aircraft shall be equipped with survival and signalling equipment for all occupants of the aircraft taking into account the area planned to be overflown in accordance with Icao Annex 6, part II and EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) 965/2012.