GEN 0.6 Table of Contents to part 1
GEN 0.1 Preface
GEN 0.1.1 The publishing authority
GEN 0.1.2 Applicable ICAO documents
GEN 0.1.3 Publication media
GEN 0.1.4 The AIP structure and established regular amendment interval
GEN 0.1.5 Copyright policy
GEN 0.1.6 Service to contact in case of detected AIP errors or omissions
GEN 0.2 Record of AIP Amendments
GEN 0.3 Record of AIP Supplements
GEN 0.4 Checklist of AIP Pages
GEN 0.5 List of Hand Amendments to the AIP
GEN 0.6 Table of Contents to part 1
GEN 1.1 Designated Authorities
GEN 1.1.1 Icelandic Transport Authority:
GEN 1.1.2 Meteorology:
GEN 1.1.3 Iceland Revenue and Customs:
GEN 1.1.4 Immigration:
GEN 1.1.5 Health:
GEN 1.1.6 Aerodrome/Heliport Charges:
GEN 1.1.7 Agricultural Quarantine:
GEN 1.1.8 Icelandic Transportation Safety Board:
GEN 1.2 Entry, Transit and Departure of Aircraft
GEN 1.2.1 General
GEN 1.2.2 Aviation for commercial purposes
Gögn loftfars sem krafist er (koma/brottför) / Aircraft documents required (arrival/departure)
GEN 1.2.3 Private Flights
GEN 1.2.4 Public Health Measures Applied to Aircraft
GEN 1.2.5 Aircraft entry requirements
GEN 1.3 Entry, Transit and Departure of Passengers and Crew
GEN 1.3.1 Customs Requirements
GEN 1.3.2 Immigration requirements
GEN 1.3.3 Public health requirements
GEN 1.4 Entry, Transit and Departure of Cargo
GEN 1.4.1 Customs requirements concerning Cargo and other articles
GEN 1.4.2 Restricted articles
GEN 1.4.3 Agricultural Quarantine Requirements
GEN 1.5 Aircraft instruments, Equipment and Flight Documents
GEN 1.5.1 General
GEN 1.6 Summary of National Regulations and International Agreements / Conventions
GEN 1.6.1 General
GEN 1.7 Differences from ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures
GEN 1.7.1 Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing
GEN 1.7.2 Annex 2 - Rules of the Air
GEN 1.7.3 Annex 3 - Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation
GEN 1.7.4 Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts
GEN 1.7.5 Annex 5 - Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations
GEN 1.7.6 Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft
GEN 1.7.7 Annex 7 - Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
GEN 1.7.8 Annex 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft
GEN 1.7.9 Annex 9 - Facilitation
GEN 1.7.10 Annex 10 - Aeronautical Telecommunications
GEN 1.7.11 Annex 11 - Air Traffic Control Service, Flight Information Service, Alerting Service
GEN 1.7.12 Annex 12 - Search and Rescue
GEN 1.7.13 Annex 13 - Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
GEN 1.7.14 Annex 14 - Aerodromes
GEN 1.7.15 Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Services
GEN 1.7.16 Annex 16 - Environmental Protection
GEN 1.7.17 Annex 17 - Security Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference
GEN 1.7.18 Annex 18 - The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
GEN 1.7.19 Annex 19 - Safety Management
GEN 1.7.20 ICAO Doc 8168, Volume II - Aircraft Operations, Construction of Visual and Instrument Flight Procedures
GEN 1.7.21 Data not compliant with data quality requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 73/ 2010 (ADQ)
GEN 2.1 Measuring System, Aircraft Markings, Holidays
GEN 2.1.1 Units of measurement
GEN 2.1.2 Temporal reference system
GEN 2.1.3 Horizontal reference system
GEN 2.1.4 Vertical reference system
GEN 2.1.5 Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
GEN 2.1.6 Public Holidays - year 2025
GEN 2.1.7 Spelling of place names
GEN 2.2 Abbreviations Used in AIS Publications
GEN 2.3 Chart Symbols
GEN 2.3.1 Topography
GEN 2.3.2 Hydrography
GEN 2.3.3 Culture
GEN 2.3.4 Aerodromes
GEN 2.3.5 Radio Navigation Aids
GEN 2.3.6 Air Traffic Services
GEN 2.3.7 Aerodrome Charts
GEN 2.3.8 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart Symbols - A, B and C
GEN 2.4 Location Indicators
GEN 2.5 List of Radio Navigation Aids
GEN 2.6 Conversion Tables
GEN 2.6.1 Various Conversion Tables
GEN 2.7 Sunrise / Sunset Tables
GEN 2.7.1 General
GEN 2.7.2 Alphabetical Index
GEN 2.7.3 Sunrise-Sunset Table
GEN 2.8 Other information
GEN 2.8.1 Altimeter setting
GEN 2.8.2 Flight level table
GEN 2.8.3 Phonetic Alphabet and Morse Code
GEN 2.8.4 Metric Multiples and Sub-Multiples
GEN 2.8.5 Altimeter correction in cold air
GEN 3.1 Aeronautical Information Services
GEN 3.1.1 Responsible service
GEN 3.1.2 Area of responsibility
GEN 3.1.3 Aeronautical publications
GEN 3.1.4 AIRAC system
GEN 3.1.5 Pre-flight Information Service at Aerodromes/Heliports
GEN 3.1.6 Electronic terrain and obstacle data
GEN 3.2 Aeronautical Charts
GEN 3.2.1 Responsible service(s)
GEN 3.2.2 Maintenance of charts
GEN 3.2.3 Purchase arrangements
GEN 3.2.4 Aeronautical chart series available
GEN 3.2.5 List of aeronautical charts available
GEN 3.2.6 Index to the World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) - ICAO 1: 1 000 000
GEN 3.2.7 Topographical charts
GEN 3.2.8 Corrections to charts not contained in the AIP
GEN 3.3 Air Traffic Services
GEN 3.3.1 Responsible service
GEN 3.3.2 Area of responsibility
GEN 3.3.3 Types of services
GEN 3.3.4 Co-ordination between the operator and ATS
GEN 3.3.5 Minimum flight altitude
GEN 3.3.6 ATS units address list
GEN 3.4 Communication Services
GEN 3.4.1 Responsible service(s)
GEN 3.4.2 Area of responsibility
GEN 3.4.3 Types of service
GEN 3.4.4 Requirements and conditions
GEN 3.5 Meteorological Services
GEN 3.5.1 Responsible service
GEN 3.5.2 Area of Responsibility
GEN 3.5.3 Meteorological observations and reports
GEN 3.5.4 Types of Services
GEN 3.5.5 Notification required from operators
GEN 3.5.6 Aircraft Reports
GEN 3.5.7 VOLMET Service
GEN 3.5.8 SIGMET Service
GEN 3.5.9 Other automated meteorological services
GEN 3.6 Search and Rescue (SAR)
GEN 3.6.1 Responsible service(s)
GEN 3.6.2 Area of responsibility
GEN 3.6.3 Types of service
GEN 3.6.4 SAR agreements
GEN 3.6.5 Conditions of Availability
GEN 3.6.6 Procedures and Signals Used
GEN 4.1 Aerodrome Charges
GEN 4.1.1 Keflavik Airport
GEN 4.1.2 Other aerodromes
GEN 4.2 Air Navigation Services Charges
GEN 4.2.1 Terminal Navigation Charge
GEN 4.2.2 En-route Air Navigation Charge in Domestic Area
GEN 4.2.3 International Route Air Navigation Charges