The air traffic rules and procedures for Air Navigation Services within Reykjavík FIR/CTA that conform with regulations 770/2010, 787/2010, Annexes 2 and 11 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and to those portions, applicable to aircraft, of the Procedures for Air
Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services, and the Regional Supplementary Procedures applicable to the NAT Region. |
See section
GEN 3.3
for general information on Air Traffic Services (ATS) Provision.
See section ENR 1.8 for Supplementary Information for Reykjavik CTA published in ICAO Doc 7030. |
Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except by permission from The Icelandic Transport Authority, aircraft shall not be flown over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons, unless at such a height as will permit, in the event of an emergency arising, a landing to be made without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface. |
Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except by permission from The Icelandic Transport Authority a VFR flight shall not be flown: |
Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except when specifically authorized by The Icelandic Transport Authority, an IFR flight shall be flown at a level which is not below the minimum flight altitude established on charts in this handbook. The Icelandic Transport Authority may grant exemptions for flights conducted for special purposes. |
Nothing shall be dropped or sprayed from an aircraft in flight except with permission from The Icelandic Transport Authority and as indicated by relevant information, advice or clearance from Isavia ANS.
No aircraft shall be flown acrobatically except under conditions prescribed in Icelandic regulations and as indicated by relevant information, advice or clearance from Isavia ANS.
No skydiving shall be performed except under conditions prescribed in Icelandic regulations and as indicated by relevant information, advice or clearance from Isavia ANS.
No aircraft or other object shall be towed by an aircraft, except in accordance with an approval from Isavia ANS.
Permission shall be granted only if: |
The above applies to the towing of objects for advertising purposes and subpara. 2. does not apply to aerial work of rotor-craft. Towing of gliders does not require permission, as the rating for towing will suffice.
In aviation Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used and units of measurement in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
The Icelandic Transport Authority establishes the classification of airspace on the basis of the classification described in
ENR 1.4.
Within controlled airspace VFR flights may be prohibited completely or partly by the air traffic services with regard to limitation of space and time if urgently required by the degree of intensity of air traffic subject to air traffic control. |
The Icelandic Transport Authority establishes prohibited and restricted areas, if necessary, for the prevention of danger to public safety or order, especially for the safety of air traffic. The areas concerned are published in the AIP.
An unmanned free balloon shall not be operated without a permission from The Icelandic Transport Authority. An unmanned free balloon shall be operated in such a manner as to minimize hazards to persons, property or other aircraft and in accordance with the conditions specified in appendix 4 to the Icelandic regulation 770/2010 on flight rules.
It is prohibited to fly
Restricted zones and limitations for unmanned aircraft are announced on the Icelandic Transportation Authority website.
A permit from Isavia is required for flying a remotely piloted aircraft (drone or aircraft model)
with the exception that flights may be operated below the height of the highest structures in the immediate vicinity of the flight trajectory of the aircraft.
Application for permission shall be filed on the Isavia website. |
Extreme caution and care shall be exercised in the proximity of other aerodromes and landing and take-off areas. Remotely piloted aircraft (drone or aircraft model) shall always make way for other air traffic. Information on boundaries of runways and scheduled air service airports can be found on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Remotely piloted aircraft flights (drone or aircraft model) shall always be conducted within the visual line of sight of a remote pilot or an RPA observer of a remotely piloted aircraft. However, a remotely piloted aircraft (drone or aircraft model) weighing less than 3 kg may be flown out of line of sight of a remote pilot in case of flights outside urban and habited areas provided that spacing is ensured and provided that the flight does not threaten persons, animals and manned aircraft or causes damage to property or disruption to bird colonies or wildlife habitats.
Application for permission or exemptions for the operations of non-recreational, remotely piloted aircraft shall be filed on the Icetra website.
Microlight flying is only allowed in accordance with regulation 770/2010 on flight rules and regluation 779/2007 on microlight procedures and the following conditions:
Special procedures for microlight operations around airports are to be found in AD 2.20 for the relevant airport.
Supersonic flight is prohibited within BIRD FIR as follows:
The Reykjavík OACC is the central coordinating agency of the IFR airspace reservation service.
Agencies planning to use this service must file an APREQ with the Reykjavík OACC via e-mail with 24 hours prior notice. |
Aircraft shall not be flown in formation except by pre- arrangement among the pilots-in-command of the aircraft taking part in the flight and, for formation flight in controlled airspace, in accordance with the following:
Flight planning shall be in accordance with AIP
regarding number and type of aircraft.