(Regulation 787/2010, ICAO Annex 9, ICAO Annex 11, ICAO PANS ATM (DOC 4444)).

ENR 1.9.1 General

Air Traffic Flow Management is a service established with the objective of contributing to a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic by ensuring ACC capacity is utilised to the maximum extent possible and the traffic volume is compatible with the capacities declared by the appropriate ATC authority.

ENR 1.9.2 The organised track system (OTS)

As a result of passenger demand, time zone differences and airport noise restrictions, much of the air traffic flying through Reykjavik Oceanic contributes to two major alternating flows, a westbound flow departing Europe in the morning, and an eastbound flow departing North America in the evening. The effect of these flows is to concentrate most of the traffic unidirectionally, with peak westbound traffic crossing the 30W longitude between 1130 UTC and 1900 UTC and peak eastbound traffic crossing the 30W longitude between 0100 UTC and 0800 UTC.

ENR General

Separate organised track structures within the height band (FL310-400) are published each day for eastbound and westbound flows. These track structures are referred to as the Organised Track System or OTS.

ENR The use of the OTS tracks

The use of OTS tracks is not mandatory. Aircraft may fly on random routes which remain clear of the OTS or may fly on any route that joins or leaves an outer track of the OTS. There is also nothing to prevent an operator from planning a route which crosses the OTS. However, in this case, operators must be aware that whilst ATC will make every effort to clear random traffic across the OTS at requested levels, re-routes or significant changes in flight level from those planned are very likely to be necessary.

ENR Flight Level Allocation Scheme (FLAS)

(ICAO NAT Doc 007)
Flight levels, and their use have been negotiated and agreed by the NATS ATS providers.
The agreement also determines flight levels available for traffic routing partly or wholly outside of the OTS as well as flights operating outside of the valid time periods of the OTS.

ENR 1.9.3 Departures from Iceland to Europe

Reykjavik OAC (Reykjavik control) cooperates with the Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC) concerning regulation of departures from Iceland entering the EUR region.
Flow control measures is applied:
  1. When traffic is planned to exceed the capacity of the air traffic service;
  2. In contingency situations;
  3. In case of major equipment failure.

ENR Responsibilities of the NMOC

The NMOC is responsible for:
  1. Allocating slot times for aircraft departing Iceland and subsequently entering the EUR region;
  2. Ensuring that ATFM measures are applied in the most efficient and equitable manner.
NMOC applies procedures, which are published in the corresponding NMOC documentation. These procedures have, the same status as procedures explicitly published in this AIP.

ENR Responsibilities of the Air Traffic Services

A Flow Management Position (FMP) has been established in Reykjavik OAC with the objectives:
  1. To regulate air traffic;
  2. Coordinate regulations imposed by Reykjavik OAC with NMOC and other areas/units as needed;
ATS at aerodromes in Iceland will:
  1. Ensure that flights adhere to departure slots issued;
  2. Coordinate last minute changes to the applied ATFM measures with FMP, if requested by the pilot.

ENR Responsibilities of Aircraft Operators

Aircraft Operators (AO) shall keep themselves informed of and adhere to:
  1. General ATFM procedures including flight plan filing and message exchange requirements;
  2. Current ATFM measures - e.g. specific measures applied on the day in question.

ENR Departures from Iceland entering the EUR region

Departures from Iceland entering the EUR region are subject to ATFM measures affecting their flight profile and managed by NMOC. Flights whose profile takes them into a regulated sector /aerodrome within the area of responsibility of the NMOC will receive a calculated take-off time (CTOT) via a slot allocation message (SAM).
The ATFM rules for flight planning for flights departing Iceland and entering the EUR region, are:
  1. AOs filing flight plans for flights entering the NMOC ATFM area shall submit a flight plan at least 3 hours before Estimated off-block time (EOBT);
  2. AOs should be aware that late filing of a flight plan may lead to a disproportionate delay;
  3. Full details of flight planning requirements within the NMOC ATFM area are included in the NMOC ATFM Users Manual which is obtainable from the Eurocontrol Library or from the NMOC website (see ENR;
  4. It is important that the EOBT of a flight is as accurate as possible. It is a European requirement that all controlled flights departing, arriving or over-flying Europe subject to a change in an EOBT of more than + or - 15 minutes shall notify the change to the NMOC.
In all cases, it is in the best interest of Aircraft Operators to initiate prompt revisions or cancellations, thus permitting the system to maximise use of available capacity and minimise delay. The later the revision is made the greater the probability of a delay.
The correct application of the STS/ ATFMEXEMPTAPPROVED procedure will ensure that approved flights are not unnecessarily delayed.

ENR ATFM Documentation

Detailed NMOC procedures are published in the "NMOC Handbook", which is obtainable from the Eurocontrol Library or from the NMOC website (see ENR
Direct information and advice about implemented ATFM measures in the Reykjavik FIR/CTA, including last minute changes may be obtained at the Reykjavik FMP.

ENR Contacts

ENR Eurocontrol Library

Eurocontrol Library website: 
To address your questions or comments regarding request for information on NM Services, contact NMOC through Contact us on  the NMOC site.

ENR Network Manager Operations Centre (NMOC)

For contact details refer to the website:

ENR Flow Management Position (FMP) Reykjavik OAC

Telephone / Sími: + 354 424 4240
Email / Netfang: atc@isavia.is

ENR 1.9.4 Traffic via Keflavik- and Reykjavik aerodrome

Requirements for Flight Plan routing for departing and arriving flights from and to Keflavik- and Reykjavik aerodromes. See ENR

ENR 1.9.5 Airspace management

(Regulation 1045/2007).
Flexible use of airspace is done in accordance with an agreement on airspace management between the Icelandic Transport and Aviation Authority (ICETRA), Isavia and the Icelandic Coast Guard.

ENR Strategic airspace management (level 1)

The Icelandic Transport and Aviation Authority (ICETRA) is responsible for Strategic Airspace Management (level 1).
ICETRA determine the strategic airspace management and access to it.

ENR Pre-tactical airspace management (level 2) Tactical airspace management (level 3)

Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA) has appointed Isavia as an airspace management cell to allocate airspace in pre-tactical and tactical airspace management.
Isavia manages airspace allocation and communicate in good time the airspace availability to all affected users, partners and organisations. Allocation of airspace, for military flights, below flight level 150 (15000 feet) over Iceland is subject to approval by ICETRA.