ENR 1.2.1 General

(Rg. 770/2010, ICAO ANNEX 2)

Except when operating as a special VFR flight, VFR flights shall be conducted so that the aircraft is flown in conditions of visibility and distance from clouds equal to or greater than those specified in the following Table:

Hæðarbil /

Altitude band

Flokkur loftrýmis /

Airspace class

Flugskyggni /

Flight visibility

Fjarlægð frá skýjum /

Distance from cloud

Í og ofar FL 100 /

At and above FL 100
A** B C D E F G 8 km

1.500 m lárétt
1.000 fet lóðrétt /

1 500 m horizontally
1 000 ft vertically

Undir FL 100 og ofar en 3.000 fet AMSL, eða ofar en 1.000 fet yfir
landi, hvort sem hærra er /

Below FL100 and above 3 000 ft AMSL, or above 1 000 ft above terrain, whichever is the higher
A** B C D E F G 5 km

1.500 m lárétt
1.000 fet lóðrétt /

1 500 m horizontally
1 000 ft vertically

Í og undir 3.000 fetum AMSL, eða
1.000 fetum yfir landi, hvort sem hærra er /

At and below 3 000 ft AMSL, or
1 000 ft above terrain, whichever is the higher
A** B C D E 5 km

1.500 m lárétt
1.000 fet lóðrétt /

1 500 m horizontally
1 000 ft vertically
F G 5 km* Laus við ský og sér til jarðar /
Clear of cloud and with the surface in sight
* Aircraft in categories A and B may fly, during hours of daylight, when flight visibility is reduced to 3 km, at speeds of 140 kts IAS or less.
Helicopters may operate in 800 m flight visibility in class G, if manoeuvred at a speed that will give adequate opportunity to observe other traffic or any obstacles in time to avoid collision
** The VMC minima in Class A airspace are included for guidance to pilots and do not imply acceptance of VFR flights in Class A airspace.

ENR 1.2.2 Special VFR

Except when a clearance for special VFR flight is obtained from an air traffic control unit, VFR flights shall not take-off or land, at controlled aerodromes within a control zone, or enter the aerodrome traffic circuit when:
  1. the ceiling is less than 1 500 ft (450 m); or
  2. the ground visibility is less than 5 km

ENR Minimum altitudes

Authorization for special VFR is not an exception from minimum altitudes.

ENR 1.2.3 VFR Flights at night (night VFR)

VFR flights at night shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions contained in this section.

The definition of night is as follows: The hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight. Civil twilight ends in the evening when the centre of the sun's disc is 6 degrees below the horizon and begins in the morning when the centre of the sun's disc is 6 degrees below the horizon.
Refer to Sunrise/sunset tables in GEN 2.7.

ENR Exceptions

The following are exempted from requirements concerning weather:
  1. Search and Rescue flights;
  2. exercise flights for Search and Rescue;
  3. Coast Guard flights;
  4. ambulance and emergency flights.

ENR General

ENR Flight plan

Flight plans shall be submitted for all VFR flights at night in accordance with ENR 1.10. 

ENR Restrictions

The supervisor at the Reykjavík area control centre can, without prior notice, prohibit VFR flights at night in certain areas.

ENR Requirements for pilot ratings, aircraft equipment and weather

ENR Flights in the vicinity of an aerodrome

Flight in the vicinity of an aerodrome is a flight within 15 NM from an illuminated aerodrome with unobscured sight/ visibility from the aircraft to the aerodrome.
  1. Minimum qualifications: private pilot license or light aircraft pilot licence with a night rating.
  2. Aircraft equipment: in accordance with Icelandic regulations for general aviation.
  3. Weather: ceiling at least 2 000 ft above the highest obstacle, as assessed by the Icelandic meteorological office.

ENR Limited Cross Country Flight

Limited cross country flight is a flight between illuminated places (such as villages or towns) not more than 30 NM apart.
  1. Minimum qualifications: private pilot license or light aircraft pilot licence with a night rating.
  2. Aircraft equipment: in accordance with Icelandic regulations for general aviation.
  3. Weather: ceiling at least 2 000 ft above the highest obstacle en-route, as assessed by the Icelandic meteorological office.

ENR Cross Country Flight

  1. Minimum qualification: IFR endorsement.
  2. Aircraft equipment: in accordance with Icelandic regulations for general aviation.
  3. Weather: Ceiling at least 2 000 ft above the highest obstacle as assessed by the Icelandic meteorological office.

ENR The following applies to all types of night VFR

  1. The flight visibility shall never be less than 8 km during VFR flight at night.
  2. Vertical and horizontal VFR minimum distances from clouds within controlled airspace are also valid for VFR flights during night in uncontrolled airspace.
  3. An aircraft is considered to be in the vicinity of an aerodrome when it is within, arriving or departing the aerodrome traffic circuit.
  4. VFR flights at night within Icelandic controlled airspace are only permitted for aircraft which carry red anti-collision light and/or white flashing lights which are situated at the wingtips or the tail of the aircraft or placed elsewhere in accordance with the national flight rules.

ENR 1.2.4 VFR flights shall not be operated:

  1. at or above FL 200;
  2. at transonic and supersonic speed.

ENR 1.2.5 Minimum altitude

Except when necessary for take-off and landing, or by permission from the the Icelandic Transport Authority, a VFR flight shall not be flown:
  1. over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons, at a height less than 1 000 ft (300 m) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft.
  2. elsewhere than specified in 1. above at a height less than 500 ft (150 m) above ground or water.

ENR 1.2.6 Flight levels

Except where indicated in air traffic control clearances, VFR flights in level cruising flight when operated above
3 000 feet from the ground or water, shall be conducted at a cruising level appropriate to the track as specified in the table of cruising levels in ENR 1.7.5.

Note : Level is generic term to the vertical position of an aircraft in flight and meaning variously, height, altitude or flight level. See ENR 1.7 Altimeter Settings Procedures.

ENR 1.2.7 In the vicinity of controlled aerodrome

VFR flights shall comply with the provisions of regulation 770/2010 para 3.6, when:
  1. operated in Classes C and D airspace;
  2. forming part of aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes; or
  3. operated as special VFR.

ENR 1.2.8 Change from VFR flight to IFR flight

An aircraft operated in accordance with the visual flight rules which wishes to change to compliance with the instrument flight rules shall:
  1. if a flight plan was submitted, communicate the necessary changes to be effected to its current flight plan; or
  2. when so required by ENR 1.10.1 , submit a FPL to the appropriate air traffic services unit and obtain a clearance prior to proceeding IFR in controlled airspace.