GEN 1.2.1 General

All flights to and from Iceland by civil aircraft shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable Icelandic aviation regulations in force. These regulations correspond in main to Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Civil aircraft flying to or/and departing Iceland shall make their first landing at, or/and final departure from international aerodrome. Designated international aerodromes are: Keflavik Airport, Reykjavik Airport, Egilsstadir Airport, and Akureyri Airport.
The use of certain aircraft types may be forbidden or restricted according to applicable rules or decisions.
Specific rules for Civil Aviation Operations to or from a State outside the Schengen Cooperation.
Regarding flights to or from a State not taking part in the Schengen Cooperation the pilot in command of a civil aviation aircraft shall notify in the flight plan for a flight to or from Iceland or through Icelandic territorial airspace, if the aircraft is transporting an individual who is under arrest or committed to prison or to custody or detained in any other manner. Exempted from this are airlines holding an AOC (Air Operator Certificate) for Commercial Air Transport Operation issued by a Schengen state.

GEN 1.2.2 Aviation for commercial purposes

(See Regulation on international flights of aircraft through Icelandic airspace No 904/2005 and Regulation on charter flights to and from Iceland No 185/1997).
An air transport undertaking (air carrier) may only operate within Icelandic territory if it holds the licenses and authorizations required by applicable law and regulations and issued by the Icelandic Transport Authority.

GEN Specific Rules with regard to the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA)

Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on Common rules for the the operation of air services in the Community has been implemented in Iceland with Regulation No. 48/2012.
For application of these regulations the terms "Member State" and "the Community" also comprise Iceland and Norway. Thus the term Community air carrier also comprises air carriers holding operating licences granted by Iceland and Norway.
An air carrier established in the EU and in the EEA must hold a valid Air Operators Certificate and a valid Operating Licence pursuant to theabove mentioned Community Regulation No 1008/2008 in order to carry out carriage of air of passengers, mail and/or cargo for remuneration and/or hire.
For operating air services permitted - and not restricted as to market access - pursuant to Regulation No 1008/2008 no prior permission is needed. However air carriers must comply with regulations issued by the Minister of the Interior and Decisions by the Transport Authority.

GEN Air transport between Iceland and another state which is not permitted according to

The operation of scheduled air services requires that the Icelandic Transport Authority has granted the air carrier permission (concession) or that the operation of the scheduled service is permitted by agreement between Iceland and the appropriate foreign state. However, the air carrier has to obtain the prior authorizations and permissions and comply with the conditions pursuant to the applicable concession or agreement. Furthermore, the air carrier has to comply with the appropriate regulations and decision issued by the Minister of the Interior and the Icelandic Transport Authority and give such information as is deemed necessary for traffic purposes.

GEN For the operation of non-scheduled flights Regulation for charter and taxi flights to and from Iceland No 185/1997 applies.

Civil aircraft, registered in a State signatory to the Chicago Convention, outside the European Economic Area, intending to make traffic stops in Iceland for commercial purposes requires special permission. Application for permission should be addressed to the Icelandic Transport Authority at the address below at least 10 working days before the flights or in case of a single flight 3 working days before the flight.
Where exemption from this requirement is provided for in a bilateral or multilateral agreement, notification of the flight should reach the:
at least 3 working days before the flight in case of a single flight, but 10 working days before departure of first flight if more than one flights scheduled.
Civil aircraft, registered in a State not party to the Chicago Convention, may not without special prior permission fly into Icelandic territorial airspace and make traffic stops for commercial purposes.
Application for such permission shall be made to:
  Icelandic Transport Authority
  Armula 2
  IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland 
Telephone:  +354 480 6000
Telefax:    +354 480 6003
no less than 48 hours before estimated time of entering Icelandic territorial airspace in case of a single flight, but 15 working days before departure of first flight if more than one flights scheduled (Sundays, Saturdays and Icelandic legal holidays shall not be included in this time limit).
The application shall contain the following information:
  1. The name and address of the operator.
  2. Nationality and registration marks and type of aircraft.
  3. Routing and destination with indication of the position and time of passing into Icelandic territorial airspace.
  4. Date and estimated time of arrival at, and departure from, Icelandic airports.
  5. Radio equipment and frequencies.
  6. The purpose of the flight, number of passengers and nature, and volume of cargo.
  7. Declaration of Insurance for third party liability.
    In case of aircraft with limited or restricted certificate of airworthiness a declaration of insurance for search and rescue should also be submitted.
In order to protect essential air transport interests Iceland may restrict the possibility to perform flights which otherwise meet the conditions.

GEN Domestic air transport etc

The carrying out of domestic air transport by a non- Icelandic carrier (cabotage) is prohibited unless prior permission has been granted by the Icelandic Transport Authority or is permitted either by Council Regulation No 1008/2008 or by agreement between Iceland and the appropriate foreign state.

GEN Flights into, or in transit non-stop across Icelandic territory and/or stops for non-traffic purposes

The right to fly into or in transit non-stop across Icelandic territory and/or make stops for non-traffic purposes without the need to obtain prior permission is granted.
  1. or non-scheduled flights by aircraft registered in a foreign state which is a party to the Chicago Convention.
  2. for scheduled air services if these rights are granted according to applicable multilateral or bilateral agreement.
Notification of the flight shall be made to the Icelandic Transport Authority at least 48 hours before estimated time of entering Icelandic territorial airspace.
For all other cases, prior permission has to be obtained. For aircraft registered in a state which is a party to the Chicago Convention application shall be submitted to the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Applications, from operators in states not signatory to the Chicago Convention, for permission to operate scheduled flights for commercial purposes in Icelandic territory should be submitted to the Icelandic Transport Authority no less than 30 days prior to first flight. The application shall contain the information required in

GEN Documentary requirements for clearance of aircraft

Documentary requirements for clearance of aircraft.
It is necessary that the under mentioned aircraft documents be submitted by airline operators for clearance on entry and departure of their aircraft to and from Iceland. All documents listed below must follow the ICAO standard format as set forth in the relevant appendices to ICAO Annex 9 and are acceptable when furnished in English and completed in legible handwriting.

Gögn loftfars sem krafist er (koma/brottför) / Aircraft documents required (arrival/departure)

Við komu: / Arrivals: 
Yfirvöld Komuskýrsla Farþegalisti Farmskrá
Authorities General Declaration Passenger Manifest Cargo Manifest
1 1 2
1 1  
1 1 1
Við brottför: / Departures:
Yfirvöld Komuskýrsla Farþegalisti Farmskrá
Authorities General Declaration Passenger Manifest Cargo Manifest
  1 2
1 1  
1 1 1
Notes: One copy of the General Declaration is endorsed and returned by customs, signifying clearance.
If no passengers are embarking or disembarking) and no articles are laden (or unladen), no aircraft documents, except copies of the General Declaration, need be submitted to the above authorities.

GEN 1.2.3 Private Flights

No prior permission is required for private flights operated into, in transit over or from Icelandic territory with aircraft registered in states which are parties to the Chicago Convention. The information contained in the flight plan is accepted as adequate advance notification of the arrival of incoming aircraft and must be transmitted so that it will be received by the public authorities concerned at least two hours in advance of arrival; the landing must be carried out at a previously designated international aerodrome.
Prior permission is required for private flights operated in Icelandic territorial airspace with aircraft registered in states not party to the Chicago Convention. Applications should be submitted to the Icelandic Transport Authority not later than 48 hours prior to the estimated time of departure. (Sundays, Saturdays and Icelandic legal holidays shall not be included in this time limit). The application shall contain the information required in
For reasons of flight safety, special permission in addition to the filing of flight plan is required under the following circumstance:
Aircraft has limited certificate of airworthiness
Where to apply:
  Icelandic Transport Authority
  Armula 2
  IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland 
Telephone:  +354 480 6000
Telefax:    +354 480 6003

GEN 1.2.4 Public Health Measures Applied to Aircraft

The pilot-in-command must on arrival at an customs airport, see to that a copy of the Health Section of the General Declaration is handed over to the National Health Authorities (Customs Authorities). This does not apply in the case of aircraft engaged in scheduled flights, with the following exceptions:

-    Aircraft arriving from or having made intermediate stops in states which are not members of the World Health Organization.
-    Aircraft arriving from or having made intermediate stops in areas which the Ministry of Welfare has declared infected.

Before landing the pilot-in-command of a scheduled flight shall notify the appropriate Air Traffic Control Services, or air-ground station of any such sickness on board the aircraft as could lead to the spreading of a disease or epidemic or any situation on board as would give reason to suspect a contagious disease. In such cases passengers and crew are not allowed to leave the aircraft without permission from the National Health Authorities (see further Act on Health Security and Communicable Diseases No 19/1997).

GEN 1.2.5 Aircraft entry requirements

Third Country Operators (TCO) engaging in scheduled or non-scheduled commercial air transport operations into, within or out of a territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union, must hold a safety authorisation issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 452/2014 which has been implemented in Iceland with Regulation No. 125/2016 This includes operators which are wet leased-in by, or code-sharing with, an EU operator when commercial air transport flights to any territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty of the European Union are performed. This TCO authorisation is not required for operators only overflying the abovementioned EU territories without a planned landing.
Applications for TCO authorisation should be submitted to EASA at least 30 days before the intended starting date of operation.
The Icelandic Transport Authority will continue to be responsible for issuing operating permits. The safety authorisation issued by EASA is one prerequisite in the process of obtaining an operating permit, or equivalent document, The Icelandic Transport Authority under existing Air Service Agreements between Iceland and third countries.
Member States continue to be responsible for issuing operating permits. The safety authorisation issued by EASA is one prerequisite in the process of obtaining an operating permit, or equivalent document, from the respective EU Member State under existing Air Service Agreements between EU Member States and third countries.
Non-scheduled flights - one-off notifications:
A third country operator may perform air ambulance flights or a non-scheduled flight or a series of non-scheduled flights to overcome an unforeseen, immediate and urgent operational need without first obtaining an authorisation, provided that the operator:
  1. notifies EASA in a form and manner established by EASA prior to the intended date of the first flight;
  2. is not being subject to an operating ban pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005; and
  3. submits to EASA an application for TCO authorisation within 10 working days after the date of the notification.
The flights specified in the notification may be performed for a maximum period of six consecutive weeks after the date of notification or until EASA has communicated the formal decision on the application for a TCO authorisation, whichever occurs first. One-off notifications may be filed only once every 24 months by an operator.

For more information please visit the EASA website http://