Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000 

AIC A 09/2024
Effective from  12 JUL 2024
Published on 12 JUL 2024

BIAR  - HIndranir í Akureyrarhöfn / Obstacles in Akureyri harbour
Content Responsibility: Isavia Domestic

1 BIAR -Large ships in Akureyri harbour, north of Akureyri Airport

Chapter "AD 2.23.3 Large ships in Akureyri harbour, north of BIAR" will be changed in AMDT 05/2024 published on the 09 th of August 2024.
A new procedure regarding obstacles in the Akureyri port will then come into force.

1.1 "AD 2.23.3 Large ships in Akureyri harbour, north of Akureyri Airport"

Large ships come to Akureyri harbour on a regular basis.
The harbour is around 1900 meters north of THR RWY 19 and on extended centreline RWY 01/19 (654103.43N 0180438.10W).
Safety radius is 150 M.
The ships are NOT lit with obstruction lights.
The following map shows where ships, at Akureyri harbour, can be expected to penetrade the obstacle surfaces of the airport.
A NOTAM will be issued if vessels are over 50 m in high in the yellow-marked area and over 60 m high in the bluemarked area.
For vessels below these reference heights, NOTAM will NOT be issued.
Information about vessels which reach the obstacle surfaces will be included in ATIS.

1.2 Explanatory image


2 Contacts

The following may be contacted for information or to provide feedback:
Isavia Innanlands / Isavia Domestic
Netfang / Email:

Sími / Phone:  +354 860 5634 


AIC hereby cancelled:  
NOTAM incorporated in this AIC: