The Icelandic Transport Authority is responsible for the provision of aeronautical charts for use by civil aviation. The charts are produced in accordance with the provisions contained in ICAO Annex 4 - Aeronautical Charts.
Differences to these provisions are detailed in subsection GEN 1.7.
Service provided during office hours.
The aeronautical charts included in the AIP are kept up to date by amendments. Corrections to aeronautical charts not contained in the AIP are promulgated by the AIP Amendments and are listed under GEN 3.2.8 of this subsection.
If incorrect information detected on published charts is of operational significance, it is corrected by the AIS office and the chart reissued as soon as possible thereafter.
Flight procedures are regularly reviewed at least every 5 years, and maps are updated accordingly if applicable.
The following series of aeronautical charts are produced:
*) not included in AIP-Iceland
The charts currently available are listed under GEN 3.2.5 of this subsection.
General description of each series:
a. Aerodrome/Heliport Chart - ICAO.
This chart contains detailed aerodrome/heliport data to provide flight crews with information that will facilitate the ground movement of aircraft: |
It also provides essential operational information at the aerodrome.
b. Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - ICAO
This supplementary chart shall provide flight crews with detailed information to facilitate the ground movement of aircraft to and from the aircraft stands and the parking/ docking of aircraft. |
c. Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart - ICAO.
This chart is produced for those aerodromes where, due to the complexity of the terminal facilities, the information to facilitate the ground movement of aircraft between the taxiways and the aircraft stands and the parking/docking of aircraft cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Aerodrome/ Heliport Chart - ICAO or on the Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - ICAO. |
d. Chart for Lead-in lights.
e. Visual Approach Chart (VAC) - ICAO
The purpose of the Visual Approach Charts is to provide the pilot with a graphic presentation of the approach procedures to an aerodrome by visual reference. The scales are at 1:200 000, 1:250 000 and 1:350 000. |
f. Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO - Type A (operating limitations).
This chart contains detailed information on obstacles in the take-off flight path areas of aerodromes. It is shown in plan and profile view. |
g. Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO - Type B These special charts at scale of 1:25 000 show the topography and the obstacles in the vicinity of the airport. They are intended to be used by and to assist flights crews in determination of the minimum safe heights during departure and arrival phase including those for circling procedures.
h. Aerodrome Terrain and Obstacle Chart - ICAO (Electronic). This electronic chart shall portray the terrain and obstacle data in combination with aeronautical data, as appropriate, necessary to:.
i. Precision Approach Terrain Chart - ICAO.
This chart provides detailed terrain profile information within a defined portion of the final approach so as to enable aircraft operating agencies to assess the effect of the terrain on decision height determination by the use of radio altimeters. This chart is produced for all precision approach Cat II and III runways. |
j. Enroute Chart - ICAO.
This chart is produced for the entire FIR. The aeronautical data include all aerodromes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system in detail. The chart provides the flight crew with information that will facilitate navigation along ATS routes in compliance with air traffic services procedures. |
k. Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument (STAR) ICAO.
This chart is produced whenever a standard arrival route - instrument has been established and cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Area Chart - ICAO. The aeronautical data shown include the aerodrome of landing, aerodrome(s) which affect the designated standard arrival route - instrument, prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will enable them to comply with the designated standard arrival route - instrument from the Enroute phase to the approach phase. |
l. Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) ICAO. This chart is produced whenever a standard departure route - instrument has been established and cannot be shown with sufficient clarity on the Area Chart - ICAO.
The aeronautical data shown include the aerodrome of departure, aerodrome(s) which affect the designated standard departure route instrument, prohibited, restricted and danger areas and the air traffic services system. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will enable them to comply with the designated standard departure route -instrument from the takeoff phase to the Enroute phase. |
m. Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO.
This chart is produced for all aerodromes used by civil aviation where instrument approach procedures have been established. A separate Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO has been provided for each approach procedure. The aeronautical data shown include information on aerodromes, prohibited, restricted and danger areas, radio communication facilities and navigation aids, minimum sector altitude, procedure track portrayed in plan and profile view, aerodrome operating minima, etc. This chart provides the flight crew with information that will enable them to perform an approved instrument approach procedure to the runway of intended landing including the missed approach procedure and where applicable, associated holding patterns. |
n. Aeronautical Chart - ICAO 1:500 000 (ANC)
This chart is designed to serve the requirements of visual air navigation for low speed, short and medium range operations and to provide a suitable medium for basic pilotage and navigation training. The chart is constructed on the Lambert conformal conical projection and it conforms to the ICAO specifications included in Annex 4. |
o. Military Chart.
This chart is produced for aerodromes used by military aviation where instrument approach procedures have been established. |
p. Charts not available.
Area chart – ICAO, Visual approach chart – ICAO, WAC, Aeronautical Navigation chart – ICAO small scale, Plotting chart og ATC surveillance Minimum Altitude chart – ICAO. |
Scale is published on each chart |
Amendments for the Aeronautical Chart - ICAO can be found at |