ENR 1.14.1 Definitions

ENR Air traffic incidents

"Air traffic incident" is used to mean a serious occurrence related to the provision of air traffic services, such as:
  1. aircraft proximity (AIRPROX);
  2. serious difficulty resulting in a hazard to aircraft caused, for example, by:
    1. faulty procedures
    2. non-compliance with procedures, or
    3. failure of ground facilities.

ENR Aircraft proximity and AIRPROX

Aircraft proximity
A situation in which, in the opinion of the pilot or the air traffic services personnel, the distance between aircraft, as well as their relative positions and speed, has been such that the safety of the aircraft involved may have been compromised. Aircraft proximity is classified as follows:
Risk of collision
The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which serious risk of collision has existed.
Safety not assured
The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which the safety of the aircraft may have been compromised
No risk of collision
The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which no risk of collision has existed.
Risk not determined
The risk classification of aircraft proximity in which insufficient information was available to determine the risk involved, or inconclusive or conflicting evidence precluded such determination.
The code word used in an air traffic incident report to designate aircraft proximity.

ENR Air traffic incidents are designated and identified in reports as follows:

Tegund Merking Type Designation
Flugumferðaratvik Atvik Air traffic incident Incident
eins og a. að ofan AIRPROX (nálægð loftfara) as a. above AIRPROX (aircraft proximity)
eins og b. i. og ii. að ofan Starfsháttur as b. i. and ii. above Procedure
eins og b. iii. að ofan Búnaður as b. iii. above Facility

ENR 1.14.2 Use of the Air Traffic
Incident Report Form

See model on pages ENR 1.14-6 til 1.14-9.
The Air Traffic Incident Report Form is intended for use:
  1. by a pilot for filing a report on an air traffic incident after arrival or for confirming a report made initially by radio during flight.
    Note: - The form, if available on board, may also be of use in providing a pattern for making the initial report in flight.
  1. by an ATS unit for recording an air traffic incident report received by radio, telephone or teleprinter.
    Note: - The form may be used as the format for the text of a message to be transmitted over the AFS network.

ENR 1.14.3 Reporting procedures
(including in-flight procedures)

ENR Regulation no. 53/2006

According to regulation no. 900/2017 (EU 376/2014) it is mandatory, for anyone who knows there has been an aviation accident, serious incident or occurrence, to report it.

ENR The Icelandic Transportations Safety Board (ITSB)

All accidents and serious incidents, including air traffic incidents shall be reported without delay to the Icelandic Transportations Safety Board (ITSB). An "Air Traffic Incident Report" shall be submitted by quickest available means to the ITSB. Duplicate of the report, without appendixes shall be sent to the Division of Coordination and Facilitation, The Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA).
Contact ITSB by one of the following ways:
  1. During office hours 09:00-16:00; telephone +354 511 6500;
  2. Outside office hours, on weekends and during public holiday and red-letter days;
    Telephone +354 660 0336;
  3. Telefax +354 511 6501, e-mail address: rnsa@rnsa.is;
  4. It's also possible to report accidents and incidents to the Air Traffic Control centre in Reykjavik, telephone 424 4240 or to the police/
    The Emergency-Alert telephone 112.
The Icelandic Transportations Safety Board (ITSB) is located on the 2. floor of the Air ground Rescue Team of Reykjavík building Flugvallarvegur 7 at Reykjavik airport. The address of the board is:
      The Icelandic Transportations Safety Board (ITSB)
       FBS-R, Flugvallarvegi 7
       IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland

Reporting forms are available on the home page of the ITSB,
Answer all questions on the reporting forms even though it doesn't seem relevant.

ENR Time of submission

All incidents which are mandatory to report according to regulation no. 900/2017 (EU 376/2014), on mandatory reporting, shall be reported , within 72 hours, to the Icelandic Transport Authority through the website
by selecting the Icelandic flag.

ENR Place of submission, contents and form of a report

The occurrence report can be saved and sent:
  1. By e-mail to mandatory.reporting@icetra.is;
  2. By telefax to 480-6003;
  3. By mail (the post stamp is valid) or directly to:
Icelandic Transport Authority
Division of Coordination and Facilitation – Mandatory Reporting
Armula 2
IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland
The occurrence report shall include as much of the following information's as possible. Do not delay reporting an incident, even though precise information are not available.
  1. Type of aircraft and registration;
  2. Date and time of the accident/incident;
  3. Last departure point and next destination;
  4. Place of the accident/incident;
  5. Number of crew members and passengers on board;
  6. Number of injured or deceased crew members and passengers;
  7. Number of others injured or deceased;
  8. Short description of the accident or incident in chronological order;
  9. Short description on conditions at the location of the accident/incident for example weather and landscape;
  10. Damages on the aircraft.
According to Article 141 of the Aviation Act no. 60/1998, a party giving notice pursuant to regulations no. 900/2017 (EU 376/2014) will not be punished or subjected to sanctions even in the event of violation of the provisions of the Act or rules grounded in the Act, except in the case of intent, gross negligence or use of alcohol, stimulants or depressants.
Notices of incidents which do not give rise to sanctions shall not be used as evidence in public proceedings, cf. Article 141(3) of the same Act.
According to Article 19 of the Icelandic Transport Authority Act no. 119/2012 Icetra personnel are bound to secrecy. Furthermore, according to Article 15 of the regulation no. 900/2017 (EU 376/2014) personnel who receive these reports are bound to secrecy on whatever they learn, and should be discreet, on the content and process of a report and/or the reporter. The secrecy is maintained even though the personnel quits his job.

ENR Special provision for pilots

The following are the procedures to be followed by a pilot who is or has been involved in an incident:
  1. during flight, use the appropriate air/ground frequency for reporting an incident of major significance, particularly if it involves other aircraft, so as to permit the facts to be ascertained immediately;
  2. as promptly as possible after landing, submit a completed Air Traffic Incident Report Form;
    1. for confirming a report of an incident made initially as in a. above, or for making the initial report on such an incident if it had not been possible to report it by radio;
    2. for reporting an incident which did not require immediate notification at the time of occurrence.

ENR Initial report

An initial report made by radio should contain the following information:
  1. aircraft identification;
  2. type of incident, e.g. aircraft proximity;
  3. the incident;
    1. a) and b);
    2. a), b), c), d), n);
    3. a), b), c), i);
    4. a), b);
  4. miscellaneous:
  5. e).

ENR Confirmatory report

The confirmatory report on an incident of major significance initially reported by radio or the initial report on any other incident should be submitted to the ATS Reporting Office of the aerodrome of first landing for submission to The Icelandic Transportation Safety Board. The pilot should complete the Air Traffic Incident Report Form, supplementing the details of the initial reports as necessary.
Note : Where there is no ATS Reporting Office, the report may be submitted to another ATS unit.

ENR 1.14.4 Purpose of reporting and handling of the form

ENR Classification of incident

The purpose of the reporting of aircraft proximity incidents and their investigation is to promote the safety of aircraft. The degree of risk involved in an aircraft proximity incident should be determined in the incident investigation and classified as "risk of collision", "safety not assured", "no risk of collision" or "risk not determined".

ENR The purpose of the form

The purpose of the form is to provide investigatory authorities with as complete information on an air traffic incident as possible and to enable them to report back, with the least possible delay to the pilot or operator concerned, the result of the investigation of the incident and, if appropriate, the remedial action taken.

ENR 1.14.5 ICAO model air traffic incident report form

Instructions for the completion of the Air Traffic Incident Report Form
Aircraft identification of the aircraft filing the report.
B An AIRPROX report should be filed immediately by radio.
C1 Date/time UTC and position in bearing and distance from a navigation aid or in LAT/LONG.
C2 Information regarding aircraft filing the report, tick as necessary.
C2 c) E.g. FL 350/1 013 h Pa or 2 500 ft/QNH 1 007 h Pa or 1 200 ft/QFE 998 hPa.
C3 Information regarding the other aircraft involved. C4    Passing distance - state units used.
C4 Passing distance - state units used.
C6 Attach additional papers as required. The diagrams may be used to show aircraft’s positions.
D1 f)  State name of ATS unit and date/time in UTC. 
D1 g)  Date and time in UTC and place of completion of form.
E2  Include details of ATS unit such as service provided, radiotelephony frequency, SSR Codes assigned and altimeter setting. Use diagram to show the aircraft’s position and attach additional papers as required.